
What Should You Know and Do Before Carpet Installation?

Wall-to-wall carpeting is an amazing thing. First, it provides you with a ton of insulation, which both makes the place warmer and quieter. The fact that it’s warmer is not just a factual upgrade to the state within your home but also a child-friendly feature within your household. Apart from it, a wall-to-wall carpet looks quite luxurious, which is why the majority of hotels prefer to go this way. Still, the installation is not as simple. When installing wall-to-wall carpet, there are several things you need to pay close attention to.

1.      Take time to measure it

The first thing you need to understand is the fact that it’s quite hard installing a wall-to-wall carpet in one seamless piece. Still, even if this is not the case, there’s no room for desperation. In some scenarios, for instance, you won’t be dealing with rectangular rooms but L shaped ones. In that scenario, you might be forced to go for some seams. The thing is that you should use a bit of a strategy and avoid planting these seams in high traffic areas. The more times you measure it, the better. Drawing the room ahead of time also helps.

2.      Move the furniture

Rolling the carpet with furniture still in the room is not impossible but it’s quite difficult and makes the installation messy and clumsy. Furthermore, having to roll the carpet underneath the furniture, either requires numerous breaks to move the piece to the side that’s already unfolded or someone to hold it up in the air until the other person rolls it. In other words, it either takes more time and energy or more people to do the same job. That’s why it’s for the best to just move the furniture to another area before commencing the installation.

3.      Hire professionals

Perhaps the simplest way to handle the carpet installation is to just call professionals and ask them to do it. Think about it, this is not something that you’ll do every day and even if you do need to take the carpet to the cleaners, fitting it the second time is considerably easier. You may read all the right tips and have everyone ready and pumped up but the lack of experience in this field may turn out to be a major obstacle to this project. On the other hand, carpet installation experts often install several thousand broadloom meters of carpet on a monthly basis, which is a factor that you have to weigh in when making a decision.

4.      Have a vacuum cleaner ready

The effect that the edges of the carpet will have on your walls are somewhat similar to those of sandpaper. Now, remember that you have to take out your carpet and install a new one inside in a matter of minutes. This means that there’s a chance for a lot of abrasion from your walls and the accumulation of these particles on the floor. So, you need to have a fully functional vacuum cleaner at hand. If not, you should either repair it or get a new one.

5.      Look for a softer backing

Previously we’ve mentioned the effect of carpet’s backing against the wall (or even woodwork) inside of your home. The simplest way to avoid this problem altogether is to look for a carpet with softer backing. Other than this, being extra careful while installing the carpet can also do the trick. If the damage does occur, even with these measures of precaution, it’s important that you know that it’s not the end of the world. You can always paint over the damaged area or move pieces of furniture to conceal it.

6.      Door bottoms and moldings

The problematic area, more often than not, is not the edge of the rug or the wall itself but the areas that stick out (so to speak). We’re, of course, talking about moldings and door bottoms. The majority of people simply fail to take this into account when planning the installation of a new rug. You see, the size of the rug is not the only thing you need to factor in. What you also need to take into account is the thickness of the rug in question. This too is something that could make door bottoms and molding areas harder to fit into this equation.

In conclusion

At the end of the day, replacing the carpet in your home (or installing it for the first time) is a major decision. So, it’s more than worth taking some time and effort to ensure that the process goes as smoothly as possible. Measure everything, pay attention to door bottoms and moldings and be prepared (both mentally and logistically) for any damage that you may cause during its installation. Once you have all of this planned out and ready, there’s not much that can go wrong.