wet brain

Wet Brain: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

There are different ways that alcohol can influence the human brain wellbeing. 

Alcohol will make you more flirty, more optimistic, and less articulate, which anybody who has already had an alcoholic beverage would understand. 


It speeds down your physical and emotional responses and decreases your capacity to perceive, understand and recall. That’s why consuming alcohol prior to doing any potentially risky activity, like driving, of course, is never a safe idea. 


In general, these short-term signs pass until we get sober again but long-term alcohol consumption will lead to more severe brain changes.

What is Wet brain syndrome?

The fusion of two alcohol-related conditions defines the wet brain: Wernicke encephalopathy and the insanity of Korsakoff. The amount of people with one disorder also experience the other so Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is the standard medical concept. 


A deficiency of thiamine, or vitamin B1, may lead to dementia or cognitive dysfunction, which is the main cause of a wet brain. Alcohol impairs the ability of the body to consume vitamin B1, and people with alcohol dependence frequently rely on drinking instead of maintaining a healthy diet. 

This mixture of variables will cause damage to the brainstem and hypothalamus of the brain, contributing to significant memory issues. Wet brain syndrome is most likely to occur with people who frequently binge drink or participate in long-term alcohol abuse. 


What are the WET Brain’ Symptoms?

A persistent brain disease is a moist brain, but signs also come in phases. Both Wernicke encephalopathy and Korsakoff’s syndrome happen concurrently in certain people. Many may, alternatively, experience Wernicke encephalopathy accompanied by the insanity of Korsakoff. The first signs of a wet brain include the following: 

  • Rapid loss of weight 
  • Nausea or vomiting that is consistent 
  • Perplexity 
  • Exhaustion or fatigue 
  • Sudden and obvious drop in mental acuity 
  • Amnesia Amnesia 
  • Uncontrollable twitching of the leg or spasms 
  • Poor equilibrium and synchronisation 
  • Face gestures and twitches that are involuntary or irregular 
  • Impoverished reflexes 
  • A coma 

The final phases of the wet brain, which may suggest the insanity of Korsakoff, include: 

  • Minor to serious loss of memory 
  • Sleeplessness 
  • Inability to form new memories 
  • Make up legends in memory to cover vacant spots 
  • Hallucinations, both verbal and visual 
  • Agitation and dissatisfaction 
  • Modifications of Personality 
  • Inability to look after yourself


Preventive steps are the only way to treat wet brain syndrome. It is important to control substance misuse and prevent starvation through safe eating habits.