Wondering How to Remove Pimple Marks? Here Are Some Easy Home Remedies to Follow
No matter the gender and age, we all have googled how to remove pimple marks. Pimples are those annoying little beings that live on your face for free and sometimes leave it damaged beyond repair. Yes, because pimples do not arrive alone, they are accompanied by scars. It seems like they know when to pop up on your face and it is usually just before a special event like a wedding or a date. And these pimples would not start fading until a few days pass by. Therefore, it would not be wrong to conclude that the primary reason for anyone’s stress is the arrival of pimples. Ironically, stress is one of the reasons that causes breakouts.
While it is completely natural to have a pimple, a spotless face tops everyone’s wish list. And blessed are those who have such clear faces. But you know what, by following a preventive skin care routine and using some home remedies might help you.
Pimples usually occur due to hormonal changes in your body, high consumption of oily or spicy food, unhygienic surroundings and digestive issues. While no one can help with the hormonal changes, by eating healthy, drinking a lot of water, using a toner and washing your face 2-3 times a day might reduce the occurrence of pimples. Pimples are temporary, after all. What’s permanent is the scarring. The marks develop when your inflamed skin gets irritated further, and destroys. As a result, a depression is created on the skin, forming a scar.
Thus, touching a pimple is a big NO!
Still, if these pimples develop and leave scars behind, the list below will help you with all your how to remove pimple marks queries.
- How to remove pimple marks using Aloe Vera:
Aloe Vera is probably the most precious gift of Nature to humans. From soothing irritated scalp, stomach to calming and healing the irritated skin, Aloe Vera does it all. And it is not even expensive. You can plant Aloe Vera in your house or buy its gel from the supermarkets. If you want pure Aloe Vera gel for cent percent results, scooping out your own Aloe Vera gel would be a great idea. All you have to do is slice the Aloe Vera leaf into a half and then dig out its gel. You can store the gel for about ten days in the fridge.
Aloe Vera not only calms down the irritated skin but also hydrates it, preventing acne, along with acting as a catalyzer in the healing process. As a result, it will reduce both the occurrence of pimples and the visibility of the marks.
- Lighten pigmentation using orange peel powder:
Pigmentation and blemishes caused by acne breakouts can be lightened using orange peel powder. It is because orange peel has citric acid, which acts as a mild bleach for the skin. It also contains vitamin C that helps in fighting acne, calcium that renews dead skin, potassium that moisturizes the skin and magnesium that gives a natural glow to the skin.
To use orange peel powder, mix it with honey to make a paste. Apply the paste onto the affected areas and leave to dry. Use water or a damp cloth to remove the paste. For fast results, use this mixture every alternate day until required.
- Using coconut oil to nourish the skin:
Coconut oil is another blessing from the nature. It is incredibly nourishing and hydrating. It has Lauric Acid which kills the germs. If you suffer from acne due to pollution and dirt, applying coconut oil would help. The oil also evens out skin, lightens pigmentation and blemishes and even heals damaged skin. But you should use this oil only if your skin type is dry. If you have oily skin, applying coconut oil will make it oilier, causing frequent breakouts.
- Heal the skin using castor oil:
Sometimes, pimples occur when your skin is too dry. The sebaceous glands produce excessive oil to moisturize the skin, which results in clogged pores causing pimples. Applying castor oil will aptly moisturize the skin. So, people with oily skin can use it. The oil contains ricinoleic acid, which has impressive anti-inflammatory properties. Castor oil also fights off the bacteria. All of these characteristics make it the ideal ‘how to remove pimple marks’ remedy.
- Apple cider vinegar for a quick rescue:
Apple cider vinegar has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. If you are developing a pimple, applying it directly on the pimple will kill the bacteria. This way, the pimple would not develop fully. Even if the pimple is formed, ACV will fasten the healing process and prevent scarring. The redness, swelling that comes with pimple will lessen, reducing its appearance. It has a drying effect, so make sure to moisturize. You can also apply it as a mask by mixing one tbsp of ACV, 2 tbsp of honey and some water daily.
- How to reduce pimple marks by including green tea:
Just as green tea is known to flush the toxins out of your body, it mops out the excess sebum, bacteria from the skin. And the reason is simple. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and anti-bacterial properties, which makes it both stomach and skin friendly. It decreases the inflammation and redness and cleans and tightens up the pores. You can apply cooled green tea directly using cotton balls or spray it all over your face using it as a toner.
- Get rid of active acne and scars by applying turmeric:
Turmeric is the super spice. Not only it is beneficial for the gut but also for the skin. Turmeric fights off the bacteria, evens out the face by fading the scars and redness, and decreases swelling. It also has healing properties that treat the damaged tissues. To apply turmeric, you can either mix it with honey of lemon juice. Honey has a hydrating effect and by employing it with turmeric, it will give a glowing, uniform skin. Lemon juice, on the other hand, acts as a bleaching agent that pulls all the oil out of the face. Using lemon juice and turmeric together will brighten your skin while killing all the bacteria. But this concoction is very drying so don’t forget to apply a thick layer of moisturizer.
- Using neem to defeat acne scars:
Neem is a magical herb that does wonders to the skin. It has anti-bacterial properties and controls the production of oil. It also shrinks the scars, keeps redness and swelling at bay, and brightens the skin. It is the one stop solution for all the pimple-problems. No wonder there are innumerable home remedies to prevent acne and scarring that incorporates neem. Neem can be used as a paste made out of its leaves or you can make a toner using it. Neem powder can also be added to face masks to enhance the effect.
Along with incorporating any of this how to reduce pimple marks list’s methods, there are other things to keep in mind.
- Don’t ever pop your pimple! By doing so, the bacteria will get spread on to your face causing other pimples. Furthermore, by popping, you will damage the skin which might lead to deep scars.
- And don’t go in the sun without applying sunscreen. Sunlight might darken the spots and pave the way for pigmentation and sun spots.
- Do not use the same pillow cover for several days without washing. The pillowcase might have bacteria stuck on them from those pimples. If it isn’t washed regularly, the bacteria will keep causing pimples.
- And lastly, always cleanse, tone and moisturize. Following these steps will ensure that your skin is clean and hydrated. Using a toner will shrink the pores and scars, and balance the moisture.
If any of these how to reduce pimple marks methods and preventive techniques do not help you with the problem, visit a dermatologist.