
7 Cheaper Ways To Heat Your Home

1. Take Advantage of Passive Solar Heating

The sun’s radiative energy is free for those who wish to take advantage of it. Instead of running your heater all day long, open the curtains and windows to let sunlight heat your apartment. Allowing sunlight in allows items in the house to absorb its heat, redistributing it to other spaces as well. This strategy is effective for apartments that receive direct sunlight. Opening the windows and doors to let sunlight in might not be enough – use materials known to absorb heat for the best results. Be sure to close the windows and curtains as soon as the sun sets to trap the heat inside for the night. You will be surprised how warm and comfortable your home will be many hours into the night. 

2. Invest In a Space Heater

Space heaters provide the convenience and flexibility to heat individual rooms and spaces, thus eliminating the need to turn the central heating on. These heaters mostly come in handy when you only need to heat one room or only the rooms in use (multiple will be required). An excellent example of these is oscillating tower heaters that come in handy in heating smaller spaces and rooms. You can also choose to invest in a ceramic heater to help heat spaces that hardly get heated by the central heater. 

3. Adjust Air Vents for Maximum Airflow

The air vents are crucial for the proper distribution of heat in the house. Any form of blockage on this causes restricted airflow, forcing the HVAC systems to work harder than they should to keep the space warm and comfortable. Adjusting the air vents both at the floor and the ceiling to optimize airflow almost always solves the problem. You also want to regulate these air vents to ensure only rooms in use get warm air and close those in rarely used rooms. Look into contacting a HVAC service Raleigh-Durham, or one similar, to have them take a look at your system to ensure that there isn’t a blockage, or if there is one, it can be dealt with quickly and efficiently.

4. Clean And Replace Air Filters Regularly

The last thing you want is dirty or clogged air filters. Dirty air filters not only affect the indoor overall air quality but also restricts the flow of heated air into the room. A simple and inexpensive fix for this would be to give the filters a good clean or replace any worn-out ones. While essential, air filters are one of the most forgotten parts of the HVAC system, with some going for months without a good clean.  See here types of insurance to keep your filters in check. Experts, however, recommend cleaning and/or replacing the air filter at least once every 3 months. A clean air filter will enable the HVAC system to work smoothly and efficiently. 

5. Install Heavier Drapes

Did you know you can use curtains and blinds to create a microclimate inside your home? All you need are curtains/blinds heavy enough to trap the warm temperature inside. That said, you will want to invest in heavy velvet or linen drapery to use and window coverings in the night. The heavy material will help keep your home warm and comfortable in winter and cooler in the summer heat. 

6. Set Water Heater Temperatures A Few Degrees Lower

Dropping water heater temperature even by a few degrees can have a significant impact on your energy bills. Although most manufacturers will set their water heaters at 140 degrees Fahrenheit, you still won’t notice a massive difference if it is set at 120 degrees. Although quite an insignificant drop, doing so will ease the strain on the water heater, hence using less energy in the process. 

7. Put On Warm Clothing

In addition to regulating air vents, installing heavy window treatments, and setting the thermostat a few degrees lower, you can still save more by layering up. All you need is to find heavy but comfortable clothes to help keep you warm. A light sweater vest, a crewneck sweater, cozy slippers, and some gloves should do the trick.