children chest pain

Chest Pain In Children, How To Tell If It Is A Heart Condition?

As parents, we all know how important our children’s health is to us. It’s a scary thing to see your little one in pain, but don’t worry – most cases of chest pain in children aren’t related to their heart. That being said, it’s important to know when to seek medical attention.

In this read, we’ll dive into chest pain in children, how to spot possible heart conditions, and why it’s crucial to get emergency care in certain situations. Keep your child’s health in check and read on!

Understanding Chest Pain in Children

Common Causes of Chest Pain

Children can experience chest pain due to various reasons, many of which are unrelated to the heart. Some common non-cardiac causes include:

  • Musculoskeletal issues: Strained muscles, rib injuries, or inflammation in the chest wall can cause discomfort that may be mistaken for heart-related pain.
  • Respiratory infections: Viral or bacterial respiratory infections can lead to chest pain, especially if there is accompanying coughing or difficulty breathing.
  • Gastrointestinal problems: Acid reflux, heartburn, or indigestion can cause chest discomfort or a burning sensation.

Identifying Symptoms of a Heart Condition

While most cases of chest pain in children are not related to heart conditions, it is crucial to be aware of potential signs that might indicate otherwise. If your child experiences the following symptoms along with chest pain, urgent medical care should be sought:

  • Chest pain accompanied by shortness of breath: If your child experiences difficulty breathing or struggles to catch their breath during or after chest pain episodes, it could be a sign of a heart condition.
  • Chest pain radiating to other areas: If the chest pain spreads to the left arm, shoulder, neck, or jaw, it could indicate a heart-related issue.
  • Fainting or lightheadedness: If your child faints or feels lightheaded during or after exertion or chest pain episodes, it could be a sign of an underlying heart condition.
  • Rapid or irregular heartbeat: If your child’s heart rate is significantly faster or irregular during episodes of chest pain, it should be evaluated by a medical professional.
  • Chest pain during or after emotional stress: If your child experiences chest pain during or after periods of emotional stress, it could be a sign of a heart condition.

Common Heart Conditions in Children

Congenital Heart Defects

Congenital heart defects are structural abnormalities present at birth. They can affect the heart’s valves, walls, or blood vessels. Some common congenital heart defects include:

  • Ventricular septal defect (VSD): A hole in the wall separating the heart’s lower chambers.
  • Atrial septal defect (ASD): A hole in the wall separating the heart’s upper chambers.
  • Tetralogy of Fallot: A combination of several heart defects, leading to oxygen-poor blood circulation.


Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle, often caused by a viral infection. It can result in chest pain, fatigue, shortness of breath, and an irregular heartbeat. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential to prevent complications.


Pericarditis refers to the inflammation of the pericardium, the membrane surrounding the heart. It can cause sharp chest pain that worsens with deep breaths or lying down. Viral infections, autoimmune disorders, or other medical conditions can trigger pericarditis.

Evaluating Chest Pain

Initial Assessment

When a child complains of chest pain, it is important to conduct an initial assessment. Here are a few steps to follow:

  • Stay calm and reassure your child.
  • Ask about the pain’s location, intensity, and duration.
  • Inquire about associated symptoms, such as shortness of breath or dizziness.
  • Determine if any triggers, physical activity, or emotional stress led to the chest pain.

Seeking Medical Attention

If you suspect that your child’s chest pain could be related to a heart condition, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly. Contact your child’s pediatrician or visit the emergency department if the following circumstances arise:

  • Severe chest pain that lasts more than a few minutes.
  • Chest pain along with breathing difficulty or a bluish discoloration of the lips or face.
  • Fainting or loss of consciousness.
  • Intense sweating or turning pale during chest pain episodes.

Diagnosing Heart Conditions

Medical History and Physical Examination

When evaluating a child with chest pain, the healthcare provider will begin with a thorough medical history and physical examination. They will ask about the child’s symptoms, family medical history, and any previous heart conditions. The physical examination will involve listening to the heart, checking blood pressure, and looking for any signs of abnormalities.

Diagnostic Tests and Procedures

To confirm or rule out a heart condition, additional diagnostic tests may be necessary. These may include:

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG): Measures the electrical activity of the heart.
  • Echocardiogram: Create images of the heart’s structure and function through soundwaves.
  • Exercise stress test: Evaluates the heart’s performance during physical exertion.
  • Holter monitor: Record your child’s heart rhythm over a 24-hour period.

Taking Care of Your Child’s Heart Health

Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Encouraging these healthy habits from a young age is the perfect way to set your child up for success now and in the future. Here are a few tips to keep your child’s heart healthy!

  • Feed them well: give them plenty of fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins.
  • Get them moving: encourage at least an hour of physical activity daily, whether it’s sports, dancing, or playing outside.
  • Sleep soundly: make sure your child gets enough rest for a happy, healthy day.
  • No smoking: keep them away from secondhand smoke and educate them on the dangers of smoking.

Regular Pediatric Check-ups

Scheduling regular check-ups with a pediatrician is the best way to keep your child’s heart healthy ! With these appointments, healthcare professionals can track growth, identify any possible concerns, and offer advice to maintain optimal heart health. Don’t hesitate to book your child’s next appointment today!

Communicating with Healthcare Professionals

It’s super important to keep the lines of communication open when it comes to your child’s health. Let your doctor know if you notice anything unusual, even if it’s just some chest pain. When you work together, you can make sure your little one’s heart health is taken care of in a timely and effective way.

Don’t Ignore Chest Pain in Your Child

By staying informed and keeping an eye out for red flags, you can make better decisions for your child’s health. Plus, regular check-ups and open communication with healthcare providers will give you the confidence to ensure your child’s heart is healthy.