5 Tips on Choosing a Mobility Scooter
1. The Location
You need to consider the location where you will use your scooter.
If you will use your scooter indoors, you can select a three-wheel scooter. Why? It is easy to get around corners. It is difficult to use a four-wheel scooter indoors.
If you, however, decide to select a four-wheel scooter, you can choose the one with a tighter turning circle and smaller wheels. It is better to take the measurements of your doorways before selecting a scooter.
If you will use your scooter outdoors, you can choose a four-wheel scooter. Why? It can travel over rough surfaces and bumps. You can choose the one with large pneumatic wheels. It is comfortable to ride.
If you are more adventurous, you can hire a mobility scooter with excellent outdoor capabilities. Make sure the scooter can withstand uneven or wet ground.
2. Seat
If you will use your scooter most of the time, you need to consider the seat of the scooter. It is better to choose a scooter with a contoured and well-padded seat.
A portable scooter does not offer the best padding and it is more compact.
3. The Height of the Seat
You need to test the scooter to make sure you can reach the tiller comfortably. You do not have to curve your back to reach the tiller. Your knees should bend at a 90-degree angle and feet flat on the footrest.
Make sure the scooter can support your weight and the weight of your luggage. So, make sure you know the weight of the scooter before buying it.
4. Controls
You may need to use both of your hands to control some controls. If you, however, lack hand strength and manual dexterity, you can still find the perfect scooter for you.
You can choose loop handlebars since they offer thumb or finger throttle operation.
5. Portability
If you will transport your scooter in your car, then you might want to choose a portable scooter. It is, therefore, necessary to compare the weight of multiple scooters to find the one you can comfortably lift.
It is simple to disassemble some scooters. You can even use one hand to easily disassemble the scooter into five pieces. It is easy to store and transport these scooters. You can choose one of them.
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