stringybark firewood

The Problems with Burning Hardwood Logs in Winter

Did you know that if your firewood suppliers have not supplied you with kiln-dried and Woodsure Ready To Burn stringybark firewoods, there is a possibility that the moisture is above 25 percent? Water is not combustible0, and if you try, your stove will be filled with smoke. Even creosote will become another problem that will start to build up in your chimney. 

Wet woods can be a big harm to your purse too. You will end up burning more wood and create more pollution with excess money spent. 

But, honestly, we can’t just blame wet woods for soggy burns. Even dry kiln woods can hinder the effectiveness of your fire if you use the wrong technique, so perhaps the after one is on you. 

Here we discuss, how you can get your handy firewood started and the other factors that lead to combust burning!

Burning hardwood:

  1. Grab a handful of woods from the bulk firewood in NSW and place it inside the wood-burning appliance. 
  2. Get one or two natural firelighters and keep them between the kindling. Then light the firelighters with a match, wait a few moments, and allow the kindle to catch fire. 
  3. You can use more kindling to get more energy in your fire.
  4. Once your fire is out and rolling, add 1 or 2 kiln-dried hardwood logs so that your fire lasts long until you need to add on to the next batch!

The problem of cold chimney syndrome:

When the cold air is trapped inside your chimney, then it might be suffering from Cold Chimney Syndrome.


If your fire goes out soon, it’s stated, even if the damper is fully open, then your chimney might have caught the flu. 


  • Roll a piece of newspaper and light one end. 
  • Place the ignited part of the paper inside and at the top of your fireplace for some time. 
  • Once the smoke from the newspaper comes up, you will know that the wood-burning stove is ready for fire lighting! Your chimney is all cured of the flu!

The problem of disrupted fire temperature:

If your fire goes out as soon as you start it, there’s a chance the wood isn’t lighting properly. 


The appliance isn’t warm enough to light a fire and starts to emit a lot of smoke. 


  • Build smaller fires at the start and build them up slowly when the logs begin to ignite. 
  • Allow enough time for your wood-burning appliance so that it reaches optimum wood-burning temperatures.
  • Small and hot fires are more efficient than large fires that still lack insufficient energy. 

The problem of cold wood:

If you have kept your wood dry in the rack and brought it inside to ignite on a cold day, there might be chances that you might fail to burn them at one go. Perhaps your woods might have caught a cold too!


All you see is smoke, and the fire doesn’t properly ignite.


  • Keep some logs at room temperature. It is likely to combust far more easily than logs that have been stored in cold outdoor conditions.
  • Remember you need to keep some logs in your home, but not near to your appliance. 
  • Here you go, your room temperature firewood is ready to burn. 

As winters are approaching, we recommend you to buy the firewood for sale at great and affordable prices. So we hope that if you put these fire lighting solutions into practice, it’ll be FLAME ON for the cozy evening you want to enjoy!