organic matcha green tea

Are You Even Drinking the Best Matcha Tea Powder? Here’s What to Know

You might have heard all the buzz about organic matcha, and you might be all set to jump into the world of matcha. But hold on! How do you know if the matcha you purchase is authentic? Unfortunately, many individuals and establishments are attempting to cash in on the Matcha spectacle, and you may end up buying low-quality matcha. To make it easier for you, we have put together key points to ensure you purchase authentic matcha green tea online. Let’s take a quick look.  

Country of origin: Without any doubt, it is Japan. Although Taiwan and China also yield matcha powder, the authentic matcha found in your morning cup is usually imported from Japan, where green tea is sampled in the labs. ConsumerLab discovered lead beyond permitted levels in descending grade knock-off matcha imported from China. Therefore, the results are invariably pure compared to matcha from other parts of the world.

Colour: Another most obvious tell-tale sign of good vs. bad: fine matcha will consistently be a rich spring-green. If it’s brownish, yellowish, or dull, it is old, of a lower grade, decaying, or impure. Stay out from such variants. Quality organic matcha green tea is simulated precisely. The leaves are to be shadowed for 3-4 weeks before harvest to develop chlorophyll. This is what provides matcha with its distinctive bright green hue. Suppose the leaves have not been shaded adequately or are from a more aged yield or maybe from the tea tree’s inferior part instead of the top leaves, the outcome will not be bright green. The colouring is evident in the parched powder and after you stir and pour it. The vitality of the green is your focus. Please be aware that some brands may use colour enhancer, such as MSG. 

Price: There is no affordable matcha. Period. 1-2 ounces would probably cost you around $25 – $35 for a premium grade. Low prices are a sure-shot indicator of low-grade quality. Unreasonable lower prices for the product on sale are pleasing but beware of the matcha at rock-bottom costs. Otherwise, you may end up buying tea that is bitter, granular, off in flavour, and bypassed at all expenses (pun planned). 

Consistency: High-quality or the best matcha tea powder should have a velvety feel and be refined as talc powder. It should be not gritty, have no grossness, and the particle scope should be acceptable. 

Know and choose your matcha green tea carefully, and you will enjoy the subtly pure sweetness and vegetal aroma of authentic matcha. Try buying from premium brands like DoMatcha, where the quality of matcha is guaranteed